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August 2023

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Libraries generate at least £3.4 billion in value a year
Published : 28 July 2023

England’s public libraries generate value of at least £3.4 billion each year, according to a landmark analysis by economists from ... read more

All state secondary schools have defibrillators
Published : 28 July 2023

Students and teachers in all eligible secondary schools will now have access to life-saving equipment to use in an emergency thanks to the delivery ... read more

Sunday Times asbestos campaign
Published : 28 July 2023

Ten thousand teachers, pupils and staff have died from exposure to asbestos in schools over the past 40 years. And yet there are still 21,500 ... read more

Campaign to boost free bus travel
Published : 28 July 2023

Older and eligible disabled people are being urged to make the most of free bus travel to meet friends, connect with nature and visit new places ... read more

Walking and cycling prescriptions trial published
Published : 28 July 2023

Eleven local authorities in England have been funded to enable health workers to prescribe walking and cycling to patients.Funding allocations ... read more

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