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November 2022

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Cost-of-Living Crisis: Poverty, Inequality and Ethnicity
Published : 20 October 2022

The Runnymede Trust report shows that black and minority ethnic people are 2.5 times more likely to be in relative poverty than their white counterparts.They ... read more

Rough sleepers ‘criminalised’ by PSPOs
Published : 20 October 2022

People experiencing homelessness are disproportionately criminalised in areas with Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs), a new report reveals.A ... read more

Free resource to reduce veterans’ homelessness
Published : 20 October 2022

Local authorities and housing providers can now access a free resource aimed at reducing veterans’ homelessness.The No Homeless Veterans ... read more

Leaky homes cost taxpayer nearly £13 billion
Published : 20 October 2022

Poorly insulated homes will leak £12.7 billion of energy over two years, with a third of that cost being incurred by the Government, council ... read more

Low council homecare fees cause workforce ‘exodus’
Published : 20 October 2022

The fees paid by councils for homecare are ‘significantly’ below the cost of recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce and delivering ... read more

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