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October 2022

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Plague of potholes and shortage of salt
Published : 30 September 2022

Council leaders have warned that local authorities will struggle to maintain roads and street lights, and will face salt shortages this winter ... read more

£5 million boost to Yorkshire environment
Published : 30 September 2022

More than 82 hectares of habitat has been created or improved in the past year as part of the Environment Agency’s programme of improvements ... read more

Sale of horticultural peat banned by 2024
Published : 30 September 2022

All sales of peat to amateur gardeners in England will be banned by 2024. The measures will contribute to efforts to achieve the target of restoring ... read more

CONSULTATIONS: Tenant satisfaction measures come in next year
Published : 30 September 2022

Tenant satisfaction measures come in next yearThe Regulator of Social Housing published the outcome of its consultation on tenant satisfaction ... read more

CONSULTATIONS: Call for evidence
Published : 30 September 2022

Natural England has launched an eight-week public call for evidence as part of its review into the licensing of ‘wild take’ in England ... read more

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