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August 2022

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Aviation charter sets out protection for passengers
Published : 27 July 2022

The government has published a new Aviation Passenger Charter, developed by government, industry, consumer and disability groups in partnership, ... read more

OPEN CONSULTATION: Guest accommodation in England
Published : 27 July 2022

The UK government’s Tourism Recovery Plan committed to consulting on the introduction of a tourist accommodation registration scheme in ... read more

APPOINTMENTS: Ministerial appointments
Published : 27 July 2022

The Queen has been pleased to approve the following appointments:Nadhim Zahawi, Chancellor of the ExchequerSteve Barclay, Secretary of State ... read more

APPOINTMENTS: PM’s appointments secretary
Published : 27 July 2022

The Prime Minister has announced that he has appointed Mr Jonathan Hellewell, L.V.O., to be the Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary ... read more

APPOINTMENTS: Patient safety commissioner
Published : 27 July 2022

Dr Henrietta Hughes OBE has been appointed the first Patient Safety Commissioner for England.Adding to and enhancing existing work to improve ... read more

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