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November 2021

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Access to nature should be ‘set in law’
Published : 20 October 2021

A legally binding target to ensure everyone has access to nature should be introduced into planning law, a new report has argued today.The Wildlife ... read more

Riverbanks and watercourses to be planted with trees
Published : 20 October 2021

More than 3,000 hectares of woodland are set to be planted along England’s rivers and watercourses with backing from the country’s ... read more

How poor families will be affected by net zero
Published : 20 October 2021

A research project to discover how the UK’s transition to net zero will affect the poorest families and communities has been launched by ... read more

Young people in rural areas – CPRE report
Published : 20 October 2021

On behalf of CPRE, the countryside charity, YouGov conducted an online survey of 1,019 16-25 year olds living in rural, town and fringe areas ... read more

Oakhill Secure Training Centre needs urgent action
Published : 20 October 2021

Vulnerable children face frequent violence and excessive use of force at Oakhill Secure Training Centre, while living conditions are “dilapidated”, ... read more

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