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November 2021

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Auditors question sustainability of Welsh councils
Published : 20 October 2021

Auditors have questioned the sustainability of local authorities in Wales despite the improved financial position Welsh councils have experienced ... read more

Plan to improve support for GPs and patient access
Published : 20 October 2021

The NHS, working closely with the Department of Health and Social Care, has published a blueprint for improving access to GP appointments for ... read more

Community diagnostic centres across England
Published : 20 October 2021

Millions of patients will benefit from earlier diagnostic tests closer to home thanks to 40 new community diagnostic centres set to open across ... read more

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities launch
Published : 20 October 2021

Health disparities across the UK will be tackled through a new approach to public health focused on stopping debilitating health conditions before ... read more

Race disparity unit commended for pandemic research
Published : 20 October 2021

Following their work to identify and tackle the health disparities caused by COVID-19, the Race Disparity Unit (RDU), part of the government’s ... read more

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