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September 2019

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Welsh Assembly agrees to lower voter age and change name
Published : 22 August 2019

Assembly Members have voted in favour of the general principles of the Senedd and Elections Bill. The move paves the way for the Bill to proceed ... read more

Association for play calls for urgent investment in playgrounds
Published : 22 August 2019

A new campaign is calling for ‘urgent and sustained’ investment in public play provision to get children spending more time outside. ... read more

Apply for digital funding to boost services
Published : 22 August 2019

Councils looking to improve public services through innovative uses of digital technology can now apply for funding, the Local Government Minister ... read more

Data protection: three top issues for town and parish councils from the ICO
Published : 22 August 2019

The advent of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 brought new data protection obligations for many organisations. Some ... read more

Every council to have a designated Brexit lead
Published : 22 August 2019

Councils should be fully prepared to leave the European Union by the end of October, the Communities and Local Government Secretary Rt Hon Robert ... read more

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