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Youth Engagement


Primary and secondary schools pupils in NEWBURY learned about the role of the Berkshire town’s council and its councillors. The Meet the Town Council events involved more than 400 primary and 200 secondary pupils from 13 schools around Newbury. The primary schoolchildren tried on councillors’ robes and got an up-close look at the town maces. They also saw how the council works, how councillors are elected and the various responsibilities the council has. Councillors had lively question and answer sessions with Park House, St Barthlomew’s and Trinity school pupils, with subjects including road safety and local libraries. Civic pride, arts and culture committee chair Jo Day said: “The children of today are the voters of tomorrow and I hope these events encourage them to take an active interest in local democracy.”

Clerks & Councils Direct, January 2025



Joshua Denning received his award from Mayor of Lyme Regis Philip Evans.


A dedicated fundraiser from LYME REGIS has been granted the Dorset town’s highest honour in recognition of his contribution to the community. Joshua Denning, 20, was granted the honorary freedom of the town after councillors voted unanimously to acknowledge the dedication and commitment he has shown to the many local organisations he has volunteered for. He won the ITV Westcountry Pride of Britain Fundraiser of the Year Award for his dedication to fundraising for organisations and events, including Regatta and Carnival Week, Lifeboat Week, Lyme Lunge, the Poppy Appeal, the fireworks’ display and the Lyme Regis Town Band performances, collecting about £50,000 for them. Mayor Philip Evans said: “Freedom of the Town is the greatest honour the council can bestow on one of its citizens and Joshua is the youngest ever to receive this acclaim. “We should recognise those who go that extra mile for our town and no one has put in more miles for Lyme than this extraordinary young man.”

Clerks & Councils Direct, January 2025



Pupils, teaching staff and local councillors who were involved in Local Democracy Week.


BUCKINGHAM Town Council had a blast celebrating Local Democracy Week at the Royal Latin School. The event brought together enthusiastic pupils from the Royal Latin and Buckingham Schools for an engaging day focused on local governance and civic involvement. A total of 35 pupils took part in a fun and lively discussion. Chaired by Mayor Anja Schaefer, the panel featured town and county councillors, along with Sainsburys Express store manager Earnest Antwi. They addressed a selection of questions covering local and national issues, providing valuable insights and sparking great debates. The Mayor said: “This was one of the most engaged political debates I have had in a long time.”

Clerks & Councils Direct, January 2025



The youth takeover of Frome Town Council served many purposes. Picture: Paul Blakemore.


A takeover of FROME Town Hall brought a riot of colour, noise and bubbling new ideas as young people and families filled every room. Frome Mayor Andy Jones signed a declaration, which was announced by the town crier, handing over power of the town to youngsters. Local arts organisation Terrestrial invited children to make the building, and the town, their own. One room was covered floor to-ceiling in paint, another had a forest brought in through the window, and a ‘cardboard city’, was created in the council chamber. Organisers hope the ideas generated among the mess will live on for a long time. It followed previous takeovers of the Somerset town’s library and museum. Terrestrial’s director Tom Spencer said: “At the heart of this wild set of arts experiences was an invitation for young people to feel their creativity has real power.” Adults had to sign a document on entry promising to let the young people be in charge. As the day went on, suggestions of ‘new rules for Frome’ were pinned up around the building – and then presented to the Mayor. They will be following up by attending a full meeting of the town council to put forward their ideas.

Clerks & Councils Direct, January 2025


The design painted on the side of
the former Chronicle building in Crewe.



The first public art commission for the CREWE Arts Trail has been revealed. The Trail is being produced as part of the UKSPF funded Crewe Arts Development Programme and a huge, colourful mural has been painted on the end of the former Chronicle building in High Street. The artwork, named RE-Making Crewe, was co-designed by young people within the community, working with artist Cherie Grist. More than 70 youngsters from local organisations took part in six interactive workshops to come up with their own ideas for the design of the first mural, while discussing the town centre.

Clerks & Councils Direct, November 2024

YoungMayors_Jul24 Caernarfon (Gwynedd) Dewi Wyn Jones
Diss (Norfolk)
Kieran Murphy


Mayor-making ceremonies have been going on across the country in recent weeks. Among them have been two town’s appointing their youngest ever first citizens. In Gwynedd, Dewi Wyn Jones is 27 and the new CAERNARFON Mayor said: “It is an honour and a privilege to be made mayor of such a special town. I am incredibly proud of Caernarfon and her people.” Across in Norfolk, Kieran Murphy has been appointed Mayor of DISS at the age of 21, having already served one year as First Citizen. He joined the council as an 18-year-old in 2020 and also serves on South Norfolk District Council. Many charities across the country will benefit from the change of mayor with outgoing incumbents handing out the proceeds of their year’s fundraising efforts and their replacements naming their chosen charities for the new year.

Clerks & Councils Direct, July 2024

CREWE Town Council has launched a free youth music project to nurture young talent around the Cheshire town. Created by the council and facilitated by arts charity RicNic, the project will give the opportunity to gain experience in performance and music event production, from planning through to stage tech. A group of youngsters aged 16-24 will be supported to create a mini youth festival of music at Crewe Market Hall on Wednesday, 17 July.

Clerks & Councils Direct, July 2024

TURNFURLONG Junior School teacher Steven Charman was presented with the Freda Roberts Community Award by Aylesbury Mayor Steven Lambert for his efforts in inspiring young people to engage with the community, particularly through his work with the Buckinghamshire town’s foodbank.

Clerks & Councils Direct, July 2024


YATE Town Council has been playing host to the National Association of Local Council’s (NALC) annual study tour. Each year NALC asks a local council to host a two-day event showcasing a chosen aspect of their council. Yate’s study tour was about youth engagement and its youth portfolio. Delegates took part in an interactive tour. It began at Poole Court with a look at the Urbie detached youth work bus, then went to the Armadillo Youth Cafe, followed by visits to Kingsgate Park, Abbotswood, Peg Hill Skateboard and BMX Park and ended at Yate Outdoor Sports Complex. On the second day, delegates met with some of the council’s partner organisations, including South Gloucestershire Council and Learning Partnership West.

Clerks & Councils Direct, July 2024



The green-fingered children who attend WHITWORTH Library’s gardening and craft club on Saturdays came up with a fantastic initiative that the town council has been proud to support. They wanted to start a Seed Swap project in the Lancashire town and the council agreed a donation to start them on their way. It enabled the children, facilitated by the Friends of Whitworth Library community group, to buy some environmentally friendly drawers and seeds. Residents have been invited to visit the library and donate more seeds to the project.

Clerks & Councils Direct, July 2024



Mayor Nigel Nutkins
with Dunsley Farm Shop Café
manager Nicky


TRING Mayor Nigel Nutkins was invited to the Dunsley Farm Shop Café opening by Karen Cox of the Central Training Group. The group manages the shop and provides training, apprenticeships and work opportunities for young people not in employment, education or training. The mayor said: “It was a pleasure to attend the opening of the new cafe at Dunsley Farm shop. Congratulations to the team and best wishes for the future.” Karen told the mayor about their plan to have the young people make all the food, as well as serving and other cafe roles. Tring Youth town clerk Emma Cave will be liaising with the group to discuss future potential collaborations to support young people in the Hertfordshire town.

Clerks & Councils Direct, May 2024


Stacie Allensby and Jack Jones


Stacie Allensby and Jack Jones have been appointed as youth champions at WARMINSTER Town Council. Cllr Allensby and Cllr Jones will act as contacts for young people to talk about ideas. The two new positions recognise the needs of providing further provisions for young people and will create a more open dialogue between the youth of the Wiltshire town and the town council. The pair will also liaise with youth organisations to benefit activities available in the town.

Clerks & Councils Direct, May 2024


Kent County Council’s decision to stop funding voluntary sector youth services across the county’s districts means that funding for the detached youth services in SEVENOAKS will cease this month. The service had been provided by West Kent Housing Association since 2016, working with Sevenoaks Town Council, Sevenoaks District Council, the police and West Kent’s community safety team to identify priority areas for detached youth work. The partners share up-to-date information on hot spots and carry out evening street-based youth work, engaging with and supporting youngsters aged 11-19. The town council’s youth services and finance & general purposes committees will provide a £15,000 contribution for West Kent Housing to maintain the service during 2024/25.

Clerks & Councils Direct, March 2024


KIRKLEES Council has one of the largest and most diverse Youth Councils in the UK. 170 young people in the borough have become Kirklees Youth Councillors, after completing a local democracy training programme and taking an active role in their schools and communities. It’s all part of the council’s pioneering Democracy Friendly Schools programme, which helps young citizens to shape their local place. The first of its kind in the country, the free programme is open to all schools in Kirklees. Newsome Academy in Huddersfield led the way as a pilot school for the programme. After completing their youth councillor training, the students have supported their peers to learn about local democracy through school assemblies and gathered views from other young people so that they can represent them well. Through the programme, they have been supported to take part in local and online events to share their story and to inspire others to get involved in civic life

Clerks & Councils Direct, January 2024



The Mayor of SEAFORD opened Seaford’s Civic Reception at The Mercread Youth Centre in early October, welcoming the High Sheriff of East Sussex, Richard Bickersteth, and other dignitaries, representatives from partnership organisations and authorities, and members of the public. The Mayor and Young Mayor of Seaford set the scene, introducing their chosen charities of The Mercread Youth Centre, The Youth Counselling Project, RNLI, and Seaford Lifeguards. The Youth Counselling Project detailed its vital service to the young people of Seaford and how it has been supporting more than 80 young people struggling with their mental health. Young Mayor of Seaford’s charities then presented their work. Starting with RNLI, which turns 200 next year, followed by Seaford Lifeguards highlighting the importance of safe and responsible swimming, explaining the invaluable work of the variety of roles within Seaford Lifeguards.

L-R: Fire Cadet Simon Wild, Serjeant at Mace Peter White, Deputy Mayor of Seaford Sally Markwell, Mayor of Seaford Olivia Honeyman, The High Sheriff of East Sussex Richard Bickersteth, Young Mayor of Seaford Nia Waite, Deputy Young Mayor of Seaford Ella Yulle, and Fire Cadet Jasmine Shelley

 Clerks & Councils Direct, January 2024





SANDY Town Council, Bedfordshire, is supporting the provision for young people in their town by replacing the current youth shelter. Contractor Play and Leisure installed the new youth shelter at Bedford Road Recreation Ground in November. The company also installed two anti-dog gates at Fallowfield the same day. The shelter aims to provide teenagers a place to ‘hang out’, socialise and watch nearby sports games. The design enables it be expanded to provide a meeting place and/or exercise centre for all ages in the future if needed.

Clerks & Councils Direct, January 2024





The mayor of FARNHAM in Surrey, Cllr Alan Earwaker, renewed his promises of office for the third year running at his Civic Service on 9 July. He is the only councillor in the history of Farnham Town Council to have held the mayoral office for three consecutive years. During this new mayoral year, Cllr Earwaker has chosen a theme of “working together with the community, supporting young people”. In honour of his mission, he invited school representatives, community organisations and individuals who help deliver support to the community to be a part of his service. He said: “It is an immense privilege to be serving the community of Farnham for a third year. I am looking forward to seeing more of the fantastic work that our community does to make Farnham the place it is.”

Clerks & Councils Direct, September 2023



At their recent town council forum, the mayor and young mayor of SEAFORD celebrated those in the community providing exceptional support and services to people in and around the area. The 'Young Mayor’s Award' was presented to Amelia Woodgate for her volunteer work at the Seaford Down's Syndrome and Special Needs Group.
The 'Jean Cash Environment Award' went to Friends of Blatchington Pond, for their work in caring for the pond and surrounding wildlife.'Coastal Environment Champion' was Miriam Thundercliffe, for promoting environmental awareness. The 'Sporting Achievement Award' was won by Ocean Dadventure, for rowing 3000 miles across the Atlantic, raising money for Prostate Cancer UK and the Wolo Foundation. The 'Seaford Town Hero went to Gemma McFarlane, for initiatives such as Sharing Skills CIC, the Repair Café, and the Pre-Loved Uniform Exchange.'Community Charity Champions' were The Youth Counselling Project (pictured), for their work helping young people who need mental health support, and The 'Don Mabey Award' was given to Miranda Bearns-Lowles, for delivering outstanding events for the town including this year’s Coronation Festival.

Clerks & Councils Direct July 2023



CLLR Stefan Heighway of GREAT DAWLEY Town Council in Shropshire won the NALC Young Councillor of the Year Award in late October. He was first elected to the council in 2015 aged 26 and became mayor in 2020 at the age of 31, serving a two-year term. During the pandemic, Cllr Heighway helped to deliver breakfast parcels to families on free school meals and hot meals to those who were isolated. He attended food parcel collection services across the parish to remain visible, helped with signposting to partner agencies and services and hosted online videos to maintain communication with community members. When restrictions were lifted, he helped to host welcome back events for the community and visited shops and businesses to thank those who had worked hard during lockdown. He said: “It’s an absolute honour to receive this award. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me throughout the years – it is truly appreciated.

Clerks & Councils Direct January 2023



FARNHAM Town Council in Surrey held its Farnham in Bloom Community Awards on 5 October to celebrate its volunteers’ horticultural achievements. The ceremony included special prizes for local schools. The mayor, Cllr Alan Earwaker, said: “Schools play a vital role in the Farnham entry to Britain in Bloom and South and South East in Bloom. Children from nursery age up to teenagers contribute through their school gardens, wildlife gardens and competitions. Getting youngsters gardening is great fun, complements their education and is an investment for future years.” The winner of the schools’ Bloomin’ Biodiversity award was Potters Gate Church of England Primary School, while Rowledge C of E School grew both the tallest sunflower and the biggest pumpkin. “Congratulations to all the schools that won prizes and thank you to all the children, parents and school staff who helped schools participate,” said the mayor.

Clerks & Councils Direct November 2022


AMERSHAM in Buckinghamshire took the top prize, being crowned overall winner as well as securing a Gold medal and winning its category (Town). Its In Bloom group impressed the judges with its sustainable displays, innovative projects and engagement with the community. The town also won the Sustainability Award for its holistic approach to planet-friendly horticulture. Category winners included Dunstable in Bedfordshire (Large Town), North Berwick in Scotland (Coastal) and Rochdale in Greater Manchester (Small City). Danny Poland from IRTHINGTON in Cumbria won the Young Champion Award for his “hydration station”, a bicycle towing a water butt. Kingsbridge in Devon won the Award for Horticultural Excellence. Darren Share, chair of the judging panel, said: “Congratulations to all the finalists for putting on such impressive displays this year while embracing sustainable horticulture. We enjoyed seeing the forward-thinking ways groups are working to make their planting more resilient to climate change and also contributing to carbon reduction in their communities.”

Clerks & Councils Direct November 2022



Cllr Adam Duce, a member of GODALMING Town Council and deputy mayor of the Surrey town, has been named as a finalist in the Young Councillor of the Year category in NALC’s Star Council Awards 2022. He was nominated for his work in seeing through the Broadwater Youth Centre from being just an idea to a facility with nearly 300 young people on its books. The prestigious awards are the only ones in England that recognise the local (parish and town) council sector. They celebrate the positive contribution that local councils, councillors, clerks and county associations make to their communities. The winners will be announced at an online awards ceremony later this year.

Clerks & Councils Direct September 2022



At KIRTON IN LINDSEY Town Council, we are working with Duke of Edinburgh Scheme Bronze Award students from the local Huntcliff Academy to offer voluntary work, which forms part of the attainment of their DoE Award. In May the students volunteered to help refresh the railings around the town’s war memorial. They spent the morning preparing the railings by cleaning them, including the removal of lichen, and then repainting them in black and gold. This was in time for the town’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. At the end of June, the students returned to carry out more cleaning and painting, this time of the bollards and chain link fencing around the town green, supported by members of academy staff. The students were a credit to themselves, to Huntcliff and to the community in helping with this work for the benefit of everyone. The council is proud of such local community efforts, and has received keen interest from a number of our local youth organisations to help with other projects across the town. These have included tidying and preparation work by the local Brownies, Guides and Scouts ahead of a visit in July by the In Bloom judges. There was also assistance from the local fire station crew, who we’re sure will be happy to be included under the banner of youth organisations! Thank you to everyone who has become involved recently.

Neil Taylor-Matson, Town Clerk Kirton in Lindsey Town Council, North Lincolnshire

Clerks & Councils Direct September 2022



Seven young people with learning disabilities and autism graduated in early August from the DFN Project SEARCH programme, a transition to work scheme run in partnership with KIRKLEES Council and Kirklees College in West Yorkshire. The graduates received their certificates in front of their families and rotation managers. The council expects that most of the first cohort of interns will successfully transition into sustained employment, with four of the seven already having secured paid work. Council leader Cllr Shabir Pandor said: “Huge congratulations are in order for our Project SEARCH interns. It’s been such a pleasure to welcome them to the council, but we are equally excited to wish them well on the next steps in their employment journey.” He added: “We want to give all young people in Kirklees the best start in life. Project SEARCH has given us the opportunity to welcome young people with learning disabilities and help them achieve their potential. It is a shining example of what individuals can achieve when they are given the space to grow, and the skills and confidence they need to achieve their ambitions.” The authority plans to continue supporting the programme. Young people who would like to get involved must be between 18 and 24 and have an education, health and care (EHC) plan in place.

Clerks & Councils Direct September 2022

NEW MILTON Town Council’s youth services team organised a Youth Music and Cultural Festival at the Hampshire town’s Recreation Ground on 23 July. The event offered a selection of food and drink stalls, music and entertainment, and arts and crafts.

Clerks & Councils Direct September 2022



WEYMOUTH Town Council in Dorset opened its new skatepark and parkour facility at the end of April, ahead of schedule. The £358,000 facility was built by local company Maverick. It includes a variety of features for skaters, BMXers and scooter riders in a space that they helped to design themselves. Alongside it is a separate bespoke parkour area for the local free running community. A special event to celebrate the opening of the new facility is planned for 2 July. Council leader Cllr David Harris said: “The idea behind this was always to create a community space that provides a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for people of all ages to have some fun. This is our way of showing the community, especially younger people, that we care about them and want to give them spaces where they can socialise and thrive.”

Clerks & Councils Direct July 2022



BILLINGSHURST Parish Council has partnered with Sussex Clubs for Young People (SYCP) to open a new youth space in the West Sussex town. The Depot was officially opened on 11 June, the name reflecting the building’s previous use as a booking office for a coach garage. It fills a void in youth provision caused when the previous Youth Wing at The Weald School was closed in 2011. The council purchased the empty building on the High Street in autumn 2018 and renovated it using Section 106 funds from Horsham District Council. Work was held up by the Covid-19 pandemic and by the discovery of asbestos, but the upstairs is now let to a tenant while The Depot occupies the ground floor. It offers a coffee bar-type chill room, alongside social and educational activities. Parish council chairman Cllr Paul Berry (pictured right) and Peter Gooch, chairman of SYCP (left), hosted the opening ceremony and BBQ. Cllr Berry said: “I would like to thank my councillor colleagues for having the foresight to invest in this facility. However, councillors have the easy job really and it is the clerk Greg Burt and his team who have to then carry out decisions, and there are few things more difficult than purchasing property and dealing with leases, etc, so thank you to them.

Clerks & Councils Direct July 2022


CLLR Angela Snell, vice-chairman of WEALDEN District Council in East Sussex, went back to the classroom recently with a visit to Alfriston community primary school. She was welcomed to an assembly by headteacher Lindsey Hudson and spoke to children and staff about the work of the council. Year 3 and 4 students actively engaged in questions about being a councillor and what it entails. The children are already involved in local litterpicks organised by the authority. Cllr Snell said: “It was a real pleasure to visit such a warm and welcoming school. The students were engaged and incredibly responsive during the discussion.”

Clerks & Councils Direct March 2022



CHESTERFIELD Borough Council and Destination Chesterfield hosted the sixth annual Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Employability and Skills Conference on 9 February, with support from D2N2 Careers Hub. The conference, held in Staveley, brought together business leaders and education providers to address the future employability and skills of young people in the region.
Around 100 people attended, including students from Springwell Community College. The conference followed the Department for Education’s announcement last year that it plans to reform post-16 technical education and training. More than 16,000 students in the region are set to gain GCSE and A-Level qualifications in the next five years.
Cllr Amanda Serjeant, deputy leader of the borough council, said: “One in four young people falls out of their post-16 education choice at age 17. We must ensure that young people get the right information at 16 and that they make an informed decision to take up the correct training provision for their own future.”

Clerks & Councils Direct March 2022


AYLESBURY Youth Town Council has chosen Buckinghamshire Mind as its Charity of the Year. The youth councillors are aged 12–19 and aim to inspire young people to develop new skills and make a difference in their community. The town’s mayor, Cllr Anders Christensen, joined 11 youth councillors and two representatives from the charity in the council chamber to discuss how the pandemic has affected services for young people and how to engage more with youth. He said: “After two years of virtual meet-ups, it’s great to see so many enthusiastic young people coming together and thinking about how they want to collectively support our community and Bucks Mind. I look forward to seeing their plans come together over the coming year.”

Clerks & Councils Direct March 2022


Left to right: project manager Claire Austin, assistant youth worker Matthew Wonnacott, Hugh Peacocke, CEO of Newbury Town Council, and town mayor Cllr Billy Drummond


NEWBURY Town Council in Berkshire has given £2,500 to the Community Youth Project (CYP) via The Good Exchange charity platform, with match funding from the Greenham Trust, taking the total to £5,000. The project, based at Greenham Community Centre, delivers after-school youth clubs and activities and trips during the school holidays. Council leader Cllr Martin Colston said: “It is a priority of this council to support local youth. CYP provides very valuable support to young people in Greenham and surrounding areas, and we are delighted to be able to contribute towards their work.” According to Claire Austin, project manager at CYP, demand for its services has doubled since the pandemic began, leading to the opening of more youth clubs and an expansion of its catchment area. It now offers free meals at all sessions to promote healthy eating, and in the summer holidays provided 515 spaces on activities and trips, as well as welcoming 160 people to a family fun day.

 Clerks & Councils Direct January 2022



MARLOW Town Council in Buckinghamshire hosted a mock election for Marlow CofE School on 5 November, as part of its project “A Taste of Democracy”, which aims to raise awareness of democracy and the voting process in local schools. The mayor, Cllr Richard Scott, visited the school before the election and talked about the importance of voting, and the children then campaigned for their favourite sweet treat. Voting took place using real polling booths and ballot boxes, and members of the school council helped with the count. The winner was revealed to be rocky road, and council officers brought hundreds of the cakes into school for everyone to enjoy. Headteacher Sharon Reynolds said: “The project brought the concept of elections alive for our pupils in a meaningful way. It was tailored well to the age of the pupils and they were really engaged throughout.”

 Clerks & Councils Direct January 2022



FIELDS IN TRUST has partnered with green space charity Groundwork and the National Youth Agency on the Future Proof Parks programme, which is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The project supports friends of parks groups and young people to work together in a series of innovative projects that will support heritage parks and widen understanding of their importance. The aim is to encourage young people to join their local friends groups and volunteer to preserve and celebrate local spaces that matter to communities The three-year programme has been awarded funding through the Fund’s Kick the Dust programme, which aims to enable more young people to get involved in the UK's heritage. The charity has also produced a series of “How To” guides to working with young people. These are designed to support green space volunteer groups in working with youngsters aged 14–24, and provide an introduction to key considerations when including teenagers and young adults in activities.

Clerks & Councils Direct November 2021


A NEW pilot detached youth service was launched in RINGWOOD over the summer, funded by Ringwood Town Council and operated by charity Groundwork South, which runs similar services in other Hampshire towns. Detached youth work involves making contact with young people where they are, rather than from a particular building or service. The aim is to build relationships and youth workers also target hotspots identified by police and other services to help tackle antisocial behaviour. Two youth workers in Ringwood are exploring ideas with young people about potential activities to take part in. Craig Lockwood, project manager at Groundwork South, said: “Our detached work in Eastleigh has helped to reduce antisocial behaviour, create positive pathways for young people and listen to young residents’ views and wants. We can’t wait to do this in Ringwood over the coming months.

Clerks & Councils Direct November 2021


JOE Lacy, the Young Mayor of SEAFORD in East Sussex, together with his chosen charity Defiant Sports, organised a free sports day to take place on 6 November at Seaford Head Lower School. A timetable of events running from 10am to 2pm included boccia, football, tennis and dodgeball, and was open to all ages and abilities. Defiant Sports aims to open doors into sport for people who might otherwise be excluded through disability or other conditions. Its mission is “connecting through sport” and it believes that getting people active is paramount to improving well-being. Joe said: “I am passionate about sport and proud to support this charity as they aim to make sure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, is able to experience the joy that being active and doing a sport can offer.”

Clerks & Councils Direct November 2021



PUPILS from 11 primary schools in and around MARLOW in Buckinghamshire pledged to help the environment during the town’s first ever schools eco conference, held online on 12 July. The event was led by Kevin Ford, head teacher at Great Marlow School, and organised by a volunteer group coordinated by Phil Irving of Sustainable Marlow, the town council’s environmental programme.
The aim was to inspire and motivate children to work together to tackle local and global environmental challenges, and it marked the start of an ongoing eco programme across all the town’s schools. Local environmental groups and national experts created videos for the event, including naturalist and broadcaster Steve Backshall and Sir James Bevan, chief executive of the Environment Agency.
Before the conference, primary schools were invited to share their key issues and projects, and these were collated into themes by secondary school students and posters were produced. Primary school groups then discussed the themes and agreed on their top priorities. Across schools, the top five were making homes for bees, more recycling, creating wildlife gardens and nature corridors and becoming plastic-free.
Individual schools pledged to work on many other projects, including creating eco-teams, reducing food waste, doing more outdoor learning, using solar energy, making vegetable patches, turning off screens, walking and cycling more, and encouraging fair trade.
Kevin Ford said: “Small local actions can make a big difference and we can achieve great things by working as one on shared priorities that the children themselves have decided on. I look forward to exchanging ideas and supporting each other when the new school year starts in the autumn.”

Clerks & Councils Direct, September 2021

AT the AGM of SEAFORD Town Council in East Sussex, Cllr Rodney Reed and Cllr Jean Cash were unanimously re-elected to the positions of mayor and deputy respectively, both unopposed. The declaration of acceptance was signed and the Serjeant at Mace, Peter White, made a formal announcement at the meeting, which was held in a church auditorium and livestreamed on the council’s YouTube channel. This was the first hybrid face-to-face council meeting since lockdown in March 2020. Meetings had been held virtually via Zoom, until the government ruled that physical meetings had to resume. With limited space in the council chamber, the church venue allowed safe social distancing and also some limited spaces for public attendance. Cllr Reed said: “In the year just passed I realised I was Seaford’s first virtual mayor, and I have a lot more experience of Zoom and MS Teams.” Elections were also held at Seaford Head School for a new young mayor and deputy. Eight candidates came forward, and Joseph Lacy and Erin Franklin were appointed to the roles.

Clerks & Councils Direct, July 2021


This year’s NEWBURY Town Civic Awards presentation took place online with a pre-recorded video released on the Berkshire town council’s website and Facebook page on 17 March. Eve Hughes was the winner of the Newbury Town Civic Award 2021 for two voluntary roles. She has been a street pastor since the scheme started in 2012, dedicating at least one Saturday night a month, and for more than eight years has volunteered for the Here4Me service, which supports children and young people facing challenging times. During the pandemic it has conducted one-to-one sessions online. The winner of the Business Civic Award was Colline Watts of Colline’s Kitchen, who worked with West Berkshire Baby Bank to create a food fund for families during the pandemic. The Young Persons Civic Award was made to 17-year-old Ellie Chadwick, whose youth vocal group VoxFresh raised over £1,000 for NHS Charities Together. The Environmental Contribution Award went to Dr Susan Millington, the driving force behind Newbury Friends of the Earth’s Lockdown Woods project. Individuals and organisations who contributed in direct response to the pandemic were awarded a community pin badge. The mayor, Cllr Elizabeth O’Keeffe, said: “The commitment from all nominees to supporting local people this year has been fantastic. Filming the presentation is something that the council has never done before, but it is too important to not miss giving recognition to those who have gone the extra mile for the community.”

Clerks & Councils Direct, May 2021


LUDLOW Town Council has agreed to provide over £9,000 in financial support to keep the town’s Junior Youth Club running in 2021, after Shropshire Council decided to withdraw funding. The mayor, Cllr Tim Gill, said: “The town council has suffered significant financial losses due to the pandemic, but my fellow councillors and I believe that supporting Ludlow’s young people is one of the most important things that we can do.” However, Covid-19 restrictions mean that Ludlow Mayfair will not take place in 2021. Although theme parks and funfairs were allowed to open from 12 April, the council concluded that the public nature of the site and the surrounding residential streets meant that there was no way to restrict access or limit numbers to make it Covid-secure and compliant with government requirements.

Clerks & Councils Direct, May 2021

ROYAL WOOTTON BASSETT Town Council has been awarded £8,650 by Wiltshire Council towards youth work and services for 2021. The award will support work delivered by The Rise Trust charity, which provides outreach work to young people and operates children’s centres in the county. The town council will match fund the award, taking the total to £17,300.

Clerks & Councils Direct, May 2021


CARMARTHEN Town Council in West Wales recruited a second-year business student to help create a shopping website for people to support local businesses during lockdown. Samuel Rossiter, who studies at University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), was given the task as part of an internship, which began last autumn. Carmarthen Online is now part of th

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